2. Regularly measure the parameters of your water

The water in your pond may take on brownish or greenish hues. These shades correspond to different imbalances. For example, if you feed too much, your fish will generate too much faecal matter and will leave uneaten food that will enrich the pond water. The water will then become brownish and increasingly opaque. The same will happen if your filtration is no longer working. However, if your water turns green, this means that it is rich in nutrients that promote the growth of algae.

For this reason, it is important to regularly analyse your water. Let’s take the example of compost. All soils are generally brownish, but only those that have been actively decomposed are rich in nutrients for plant growth. The same applies to algae. They require nutrients, the main ones being nitrates and phosphates.
How can I avoid green water with Ichi Pond?

To prevent algae growth in your pond, Ichi Pond offers liquid antiphosphate. Phosphate is the source of filamentous algae and green water in a pond. Easier to use than solid antiphosphate, it provides fast and effective results. It helps to obtain clear water, reduces algae and improves filtration performance in a sustainable way.