Non-biocide products
Preventive solutions as well as curative solutions for starting up and maintaining your pond.
DiscoverFiltering solutions
A range of mechanical, biological and UV filters for all sizes of ponds for the best water quality.
DiscoverTest your water
Professional testing tools and an analysis application to maintain your pool on a daily basis.
DiscoverA range of products to maintain your pond in 3 steps
I1. Mineralise : It is essential to have a good mineral content in your pond. This is the indispensable preliminary step to balance your pond. A good GH-KH-pH balance is the key to the effectiveness of the other steps.
2. Cleaning : This rather curative step is necessary in order to remove elements that can prevent good water quality (excess algae leading to eutrophication of the environment, abundant presence of pollutants such as phosphate or other…). In case of recurrent pollution, some of these products can be used for maintenance as well.
3. Maintenance : The best way to preserve your pond is to maintain the natural bacterial filtration. To do this, you should regularly inoculate your filter or simply the area around your pond with bacteria that can synthesise the majority of pollutants. In this way, you will establish a natural balance based on the principle of the circular economy: one’s waste feeds the other’s and vice versa.

Biobooster is a formulation designed to boost the activity of microorganism that are beneficial to the pond. The effect of organic waste is visible after a few hours. Biobooster will then amplify…

A concentered blend of bacteria, enzymes, minerals and trace elements. Bactogen is recommended for the maintenance of the biological filtration throughout most of the year…

Optinit contains all the bacterial strains and minerals needed to start or restart biological filtration. When starting the filtration process (spring, new pond, …), after maintenance, treatment…

Oxygen quickly increases the oxygen level in the pool, the effect is visible within minutes. It helps the natural elimination of mud and accelerates the process of combating algae. It increases…

Un GH optimal se situe entre 10 et 20°A. L’eau de pluie fait baisser le GH. Une valeur trop basse est néfaste à la filtration, au développement des plantes etdes poissons. Contrôler régulièrement le GH sur…

Un KH optimal se situe entre 8 et 12°A. L’eau de pluie fait baisser le KH. Une valeur trop basse est néfaste à la filtration et au développement des plantes et des poissons. Contrôler régulièrement…

O’clear 6000 quickly clarifies turbid water (brown, green or whitish) by binding suspended matters and phosphates in a durable way. The resulting aggregates are effectively retained…

Neutralizer immediately neutralizes the chlorine present in tap water. It eliminates heavy metals that are toxic to aquatic organisms and improves the biological filtration by providing nutritious substrate…
Aqualyser An innovative mobile application
Sharing our expertise in aquatic environments is particularly important to us. Discover now our mobile application: AQUALYSER®.
A free and intuitive application that supports the owners of water bodies by providing them with analyses, diagnoses, advice and detailed monitoring of their ponds.
Thanks to Aqualyser, quickly get professional recommendations for taking care of your pond and all that, on your smartphone. With Aqualyser, you can find and/or keep clear water in all circumstances!
Learn moreIchi Pond, an Aquatic Science brand
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